Christian Education

Children's Sunday School

In-Person Sundays 9:45 AM 
Please complete the Sunday School Registration form and submit to the Church Office
 Confirmation Class
Confirmation Class will begin January 2025. Confirmation is offered annually and open to anyone 12 years old or older who wants to learn more about their faith, more about the United Methodist Church, and move toward making a first time public profession of faith and becoming a full member of St. Paul’s UMC. The class will meet weekly through the first Sunday in June. Class activities will include discussion, reflection, field trips, service and prayer. If you or someone you know is interested in participating in this class, please contact Pastor Linda (540-207-1787) or the church office. Looking forward to growing in faith together.


In-Person & Zoom 


Sundays 9:45 AM
Join Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 444 889 9637)

Bible Study

Weekday Bible Study

Meetings: Monday September 16, 23, and 30 at 9:00 a.m.

Topic: “Bible Stones for Adults”

Join Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 247-089-0664 Passcode: gzP3h4)

TITHE=Trust Is The Heart of Everything

We know you want a vital, tangible and visible faith life here at St. Paul’s and have great trust that each of you will support your church as a MISSION to the M.O.T. area. One way to do that is the spiritual discipline of TITHING. But tithing is a spiritual discipline which enhances the givers’ life more than it enhances God’s life. Ask me, your pastor, because I tithe. Is it easy? Not always. Is it necessary? Absolutely. For my spiritual peace of mind. To help order my life towards God. For more information on tithing and personal finances go to