Music Ministry
St. Paul's Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at St. Paul’s Currently offers the following opportunities for members and prospective members to provide this outstanding gift of God and to give all the glory to God. We also host a wide variety of outside groups to share their musical gifts from God and give God all the glory during worship or in concerts.
Chancel Choir
This choir sings every Sunday at the 11:00 AM worship service except during the summer months. They also sing at special services including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and/or Maundy Thursday. They sing a variety of styles of music from contemporary, spirituals, jazz, classics and modern sacred. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday night, September through May, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
This choir rings at both worship services at special services. They also accompany the Chancel Choir and/or congregation on hymns. Occasionally, a smaller group of ringers ring during the summer months. This choir rehearses on Wednesday nights, September through May, 6:00 PM in the Music Room.
Rehearsals Weekly on Wednesday
Hand bells 6:00p.m.
Choir 7:00p.m.