We invite you to worship with us each Sunday! You will be warmly welcomed as you experience the love and the grace of God through our Sunday worship services and teaching.
Sunday Worship Service Schedule
Blended Contemporary with ASL & Livestream 8:30 a.m.
Blended Traditional Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
The service will be livestreamed and will be
made available via internet on YouTube
The folks of St. Paul’s offer worship in which we honor tradition, are challenged with the Christian journey, celebrate the Word and share our stories in the intimate setting that is St. Paul’s Church. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to worship for the Children’s Celebration at each service. If you and your family are searching for meaningful worship and discipleship, join us for these opportunities to explore your faith. St. Paul’s is a spiritual home for people of all ages and backgrounds and for families, traditional and non-traditional, where creativity and passion for the Gospel flourish and we are bound by the love of God that draws us together.